


日期:2024-09-20 09:24




  務(wù)必記住所推薦的閥門的用途是什么,并對(duì)所應(yīng)用的環(huán)境進(jìn)行分析,這樣才能決定選用適合安裝什么樣的閥門。在安裝正確的閥門之前,為了防止損壞閥門,并保證充分發(fā)揮閥門的工作性能,請(qǐng)閱讀一下安裝指南:Analyzethe application to determine which valve is best suited forinstallations, keeping in mind the service for which the valve isrecommended. Before installing the correct valve, review theinstallation instructions to prevent damage to the valve and toassure its maximum efficiency:


  先沿著垂直方向切割管道,并修整、去除毛刺,測(cè)量管徑。Cut tube end square. Ream, burr andsize.


  使用紗布或鋼絲刷**管道和切割部位,使其金屬表面發(fā)光發(fā)亮。建議不要使用鋼絲絨。Use sand cloth or steelwire brush to clean both ends to a bright metal finish. Steel woolis not recommended.


  在管道的外面和焊接罩的內(nèi)部涂上焊劑,焊劑必須完全覆蓋焊接表面。請(qǐng)有節(jié)制地使用焊劑。Apply flux to outside oftube and inside of solder cup. Surfaces to be joined must becompletely covered. Use flux sparingly.


  要確保閥門處于開啟狀態(tài)。先對(duì)管道加熱。盡可能多的將熱從管道傳遞到閥門。避免延長閥門本身的加熱時(shí)間。Besure that valve is fully open. Apply heat to tube first. Transferas much heat as possible through tube into valve. Avoid prolongedheating of valve itself.


  銀釬焊的方法:對(duì)需要進(jìn)行釬焊的部件進(jìn)行組裝。如果允許涂上焊劑的部件處于直立狀態(tài),那么焊劑中的水分會(huì)蒸發(fā)掉,而干燥的焊劑很容易脫落,致使暴露的金屬表面容易被氧化。在進(jìn)行連接組裝時(shí),要將管道插入管套直到遇到阻擋為止。組裝是要保證有穩(wěn)固的支撐,使得整個(gè)釬焊操作過程中能夠保持在直線位置。SilverBrazing Method: Assemble parts to be brazed. If fluxed parts areallowed to stand, the water in the flux will evaporate, and driedflux is liable to flake off, exposing metal surfaces to oxidation.Assemble joint by inserting tube into socket hard against the stop.The assembly should be firmly supported so that it will remain inalignment during the brazing operation.


  注:對(duì)于1英寸或更大公稱通徑的閥門,一次性將連接部件加熱到所需溫度比較困難。為了在整個(gè)大面積上保持正常的溫度,通常情況下需要兩個(gè)焊槍。建議對(duì)整個(gè)管套區(qū)域進(jìn)行適當(dāng)?shù)念A(yù)熱。建議采用乙炔火焰對(duì)連接部件進(jìn)行加熱。首先從離閥門1英寸的地方開始對(duì)管道進(jìn)行加熱,然后圍繞著管道短距離上下交替對(duì)管道進(jìn)行火焰烘烤,并以適當(dāng)?shù)慕嵌刃D(zhuǎn)管道,避免燒穿管道?;鹧嬉B續(xù)運(yùn)動(dòng),不允許停留在某一點(diǎn)上。NOTE:On one-inch and larger valves, it is difficult to bring the wholejoint up to temperature at one time. It will frequently be founddesirable to use a double-tip torch to maintain the propertemperature over the larger area. A mild pre-heating of the wholesocket area is recommended. Apply heat to parts to be joined. Thepreferred method is by oxy-acetylene flame. Heat tube first,beginning one inch from edge of valve. Sweep flame around tube inshort strokes up and down at right angles to run of tube. To avoidburning through tube, the flame should be in continuous motion andnot allowed to remain on any one point.


  在閥門的套筒底座用火焰進(jìn)行烘烤。加熱要均勻,用火焰對(duì)閥門及管道進(jìn)行火焰烘烤的過程要延續(xù)到閥門上的焊劑不再發(fā)出聲音。不要對(duì)閥門過度加熱。Applyflame to valve at base of socket. Heat uniformly, sweeping flamefrom valve to tube until flux on valve becomes quiet. Avoidexcessive heating of valve.


  當(dāng)焊劑變成液態(tài)并且在管道和閥門上呈現(xiàn)半透明狀態(tài)時(shí),開始將火焰沿著連接部件的軸線進(jìn)行進(jìn)退烘烤,以保持連接部件、特別是閥門套筒底座部位的熱度。Whenflux appears liquid and transparent on both tube and valve, startsweeping flame back and forth along axis of joint to maintain heaton parts to be joined, especially toward base of valve socket.


  使用適量的焊料:如果使用線狀焊料,那么對(duì)公稱通徑為3/4英寸的閥門就要采用3/4英寸的焊料,等等。如果使用的焊料太多,那么有些焊料可能會(huì)流過管道阻擋部位,并堵塞密封區(qū)域。在安裝連接部件時(shí),可以看到焊料和釬焊合金繼續(xù)流動(dòng)Usejust enough solder: with wire solder, use 3/4" for a 3/4" valve,etc. If too much solder is used, it may flow past tube stop andclog sealing area. When joint is filled, a continuous run of solderor brazing alloy will be visible.


  銀釬焊法:將焊線或焊桿點(diǎn)在閥門里的管道套座上。當(dāng)焊桿或焊線進(jìn)入連接處時(shí)要將火焰從其上面移開。當(dāng)合金流進(jìn)連接處時(shí),要前后移動(dòng)火焰。達(dá)到適當(dāng)?shù)臏囟群?,合金將迅速容易地流進(jìn)管道外殼和閥門套管之間的空間。連接處被充滿后,就會(huì)看到焊接合金的邊緣。SilverBrazing Method: Apply brazing wire or rod at point where tubeenters valve socket. Keep flame away from rod or wire as it is fedinto the joint. Move flame back and forth as alloy is drawn intojoint. When the proper temperature is reached alloy will flowreadily into space between tube outer wall and valve socket. Whenjoint is filled, a continuous rim of brazing alloy will be visible.



聯(lián)系人:陳先生 13915600537
聯(lián)系電話:0512-52346722、 0512-52183533
